Google Cloud Bigtable vs AWS DynamoDB - A Comparison of NoSQL Databases

May 12, 2022


As companies look to move their workloads to the cloud, they are increasingly turning to NoSQL databases as a way to store and process large volumes of unstructured data. Two popular options in the NoSQL world are Google Cloud Bigtable and AWS DynamoDB. In this blog post, we'll be comparing these two databases to see which one might be better suited for your needs.

Google Cloud Bigtable

Developed by Google, Cloud Bigtable is a NoSQL database that is part of the Google Cloud Platform. It is a fully-managed, highly-scalable database that can handle petabytes of data. Cloud Bigtable is built on top of the Google File System and uses Google's proprietary technology, which allows it to deliver fast read and write performance.

One of the key benefits of Cloud Bigtable is its flexibility. It is designed to work with a wide variety of data, from simple key-value pairs to complex, multi-dimensional data structures. It can also be used as a back-end for a wide range of applications, from data warehousing to IoT applications.


  • Excellent read and write performance.
  • Highly scalable and fully-managed.
  • Flexible data model suited to a wide range of applications.


  • Cost can be high for large datasets.
  • Limited querying capabilities.

AWS DynamoDB

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service offered by Amazon Web Services. Like Cloud Bigtable, it is a fully-managed service that can handle massive amounts of data. DynamoDB uses a key-value data model and is designed to provide low-latency access to data at any scale.

One of the key benefits of DynamoDB is its scalability. It can handle trillions of requests per day and can scale up or down automatically based on demand. It is also highly available, with built-in replication and failover capabilities.


  • Excellent scalability and availability.
  • Low latency and high throughput.
  • Flexible data model.


  • Cost can be high for large datasets.
  • Limited querying capabilities.


Here's a quick comparison of key features between Google Cloud Bigtable and AWS DynamoDB:

Feature Cloud Bigtable DynamoDB
Data Model Flexible Key-value
Scalability Highly-scalable Highly-scalable
Performance Fast read and write performance Low latency and high throughput
Availability Highly available Highly available
Querying Limited Limited
Cost Can be high for large datasets Can be high for large datasets


Both Cloud Bigtable and DynamoDB are highly-scalable, fully-managed NoSQL databases that can handle massive amounts of data. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, so choosing between the two depends on the requirements of the specific use case.

If performance is a top priority and the data is highly-structured, Cloud Bigtable may be the better choice. On the other hand, if scalability is the main concern and your data is highly-unstructured and requires low latency, DynamoDB may be the better option.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to the needs of your specific use case. But with this information in hand, you can make an informed decision about which cloud NoSQL database to use.


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